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The Census Of The United States
For ages, race, and all other data, such as diseases or other particulars, a card is punched for each person on the schedules. The apparatus used we illustrate, together with a representation of the punched card. In front of the operator is a perforated plate, each of whose perforations has a designation marked at its side....
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Document Information

Title: The Census Of The United States
Creator: n/a
Date: August 30, 1890
Format: Article
Publication: Scientific American
Source: Available at selected libraries
Location: vol. 63, no. 9, p.132
Keywords: Census; Disease; Government; Government Agencies; Herman Hollerith; Hollerith Tabulator; Public Health & Welfare; Statistics; Technology; Technology & Equipment; Washington, DC
Topics: Government, Policy & Law; Science, Health & Technology