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The Toomeyville Jr. Gazette Appears
We cannot foresee just how Jr. will evolve. We are not even sure exactly how often he will reappear. We think he will be a cross between a monthly, bi-monthly and quarterly, so we’ll call him a MoBiQUa...
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Document Information

Title: The Toomeyville Jr. Gazette Appears
Creator:  Sue Williams, Gini Laurie, and Flora Seielstad (authors)
Date: April 1958
Format: Article
Publication: Toomeyville Jr. Gazette
Source: Gazette International Networking Institute
Location: p.1
Keywords: Children; Cleveland, OH; Disability Culture; Disease; Gini Laurie; Health & Medicine; Hospitals; Humor; Identity; Institutions; Ohio; Physical Disability; Polio; Rehabilitation; Self Help; Social Welfare & Communities; Toomey Pavilion Respiratory Center
Topics: Institutions, Organizations & Corporations; Social Movements & Advocacy