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Excerpt from:
New York Asylum For Idiots, Twenty-Eighth Annual Report, For The Year 1878
Enough was known of the class to render it certain that some of them would prove to be unteachable; on the one hand; from the low degree of their intelligence; and on the other, from complications with other disease or infirmity. So, too, any radical improvement could only be looked for in the case of the young....
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Document Information

Title: New York Asylum For Idiots, Twenty-Eighth Annual Report, For The Year 1878
Creator: n/a
Date: 1891
Format: Annual Report
Source: Steve Taylor Collection
Keywords: Albany, NY; Asylums; Attendants; Children; Cognitive Disability; Doctors; Economics; Education; Educational Institutions; Employment; Family; Government; Government Agencies; Hervey B. Wilbur; Idiocy; Institutions; Labor; Labor & Commerce; Laws & Regulation; Legislation; Medical Professionals; Medicine; New York; New York State Asylum For Idiots; Nomenclature; Policy; Politics; Poverty; Public Welfare; Schools; Social Welfare & Communities; Statistics; Syracuse, NY; Work
Topics: Government, Policy & Law; Institutions, Organizations & Corporations; Social Movements & Advocacy
Note: The report lists the publication date as 1891.