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The How, The Why, And The Wherefore Of The Training Of Feeble-Minded Children
Let us meet the crisis, recognizing it as a national one, and win as our nation has won before. One hundred thousand of the feeble-minded in the United States alone, constantly in­creasing by birth and immigration, and not one-tenth provided for in institutions. The rest crowd our schools, walk our streets, and fill alike jails and positions of trust, reproducing their kind and vitiating the moral atmosphere....
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Document Information

Title: The How, The Why, And The Wherefore Of The Training Of Feeble-Minded Children
Creator: Martin W. Barr (author)
Date: September 1899
Format: Article
Publication: Journal of Psycho-Asthenics
Source: Available at selected libraries
Location: vol.4, no.1, pp.204-212
Keywords: Advocacy; Children; Cognitive Disability; Crime; Diagnoses & Diseases; Doctors; Economics; Edouard Seguin; Education; Educational Institutions; Eugenics; Feeblemindedness; Government Agencies; Heredity; Identity; Ideologies; Immigration; Institutions; Labor; Labor & Commerce; Laws & Regulation; Martin W. Barr; Medical Professionals; Medicine; Medicine & Science; Nomenclature; Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania Training School For Feeble-Minded Children; Physiological Training; Policy; Professional Associations; Public Health; Public Health & Welfare; Schools; Social Welfare & Communities; Work
Topics: Government, Policy & Law; Institutions, Organizations & Corporations; Science, Health & Technology; Social Movements & Advocacy