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Idiocy: And Its Treatment By The Physiological Method
Therefore we must not confound with imbeciles, insanes, epileptics, etc., the harmless idiot, sitting awkwardly, bashful, or at least reserved on our approach. He will answer us if he can, rarely mistaking, never deceiving, but oftentimes failing to understand. His mind is extremely limited but not deranged, and with no special tendency to final insanity. He has been hurt often, but he never assailed anybody; he loves quiet places and arrangements; repeated monotonous sounds, or stillness, and above all plain and familiar faces; he has a look, not of envy at things and persons, but of abstraction, gazing far out of this world into a something which neither we nor he can discern....
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Document Information

Title: Idiocy: And Its Treatment By The Physiological Method
Creator: Edward Seguin (author)
Date: 1907
Format: Book
Publisher: Teachers' College, Columbia University
Source: Available at selected libraries
Keywords: Abbe Sicard; Advocacy; Asylums; Aveyron, France; Bicêtre; Children; Cognitive Disability; Deaf; Diagnoses & Diseases; Doctors; Edouard Seguin; Education; Educational Institutions; Exercise; Family; Food; France; Government Agencies; Health & Medicine; Hervey B. Wilbur; Identity; Idiocy; Insanity; Institutions; Jean-Marc Gaspard Itard; Laws & Regulation; Medical Professionals; Medicine; Medicine & Science; Moral Treatment; Music; New York; New York State Asylum For Idiots; Philippe Pinel; Physiological Training; Psychiatric Disability; Public Health; Public Health & Welfare; Rehabilitation; Schools; Sensory Disability; Social Welfare & Communities
Topics: Government, Policy & Law; Institutions, Organizations & Corporations; Science, Health & Technology; Social Movements & Advocacy
Note: Reprinted from 1866 editon.