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Excerpt from:
Statement By The President Upon Signing The Social Security Amendments Of 1956. August 1, 1956
Congress also modified somewhat the original proposal to provide disability benefits at age 50 or above. A separate trust fund was established for the disability program in an effort to minimize the effects of the special problems in this field on the other parts of the program -- retirement and survivors' protection. We will, of course, endeavor to administer the disability provisions efficiently and effectively, in cooperation with the States. I also pledge increasing emphasis on efforts to help rehabilitate the disabled so that they may return to useful employment....
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Document Information

Title: Statement By The President Upon Signing The Social Security Amendments Of 1956. August 1, 1956
Creator: Dwight Eisenhower (author)
Date: August 1, 1956
Format: Government Document
Source: Social Security Online History Page
Keywords: Aging; Blind; Death; Dwight Eisenhower; Economics; Employment; Government; Government Agencies; Insurance; Labor; Labor & Commerce; Laws & Regulation; Legislation; Medicine & Science; Pension; Policy; Politics; Public Health; Public Health & Welfare; Public Welfare; Rehabilitation; Sensory Disability; Social Security; Social Welfare & Communities; U.S. Congress
Topics: Government, Policy & Law