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Education Of The Deaf And Dumb
Lamentable as the natural condition of the deaf and dumb evidently is, we have no satisfactory evidence, that, so lately as the commencement of the sixteenth century, the idea had ever occurred to any individual in any country, that this condition might be ameliorated by education. To impart instruction to a person affected by constitutional deafness, seemed an undertaking so palpably impossible, that its practicability was never even proposed as a problem, much less was it made a subject of examination and discussion....
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Document Information

Title: Education Of The Deaf And Dumb
Creator: n/a
Date: April 1834
Format: Article
Publication: North American Review
Source: Available at selected libraries
Location: vol.38. no.83, pp.307-357
Keywords: Abbe Sicard; Advocacy; American School For The Deaf; Asylums; Children; Communication; David G. Seixas; Deaf; Education; Educational Institutions; England; France; Germany; Identity; Institutions; Lewis Weld; New York Institution For The Deaf & Dumb; Pennsylvania Institution For The Deaf; Sensory Disability; Sign Language; Social Welfare & Communities; Thomas Gallaudet
Topics: Government, Policy & Law; Institutions, Organizations & Corporations; Social Movements & Advocacy