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A Defense Of Education
WHEN a man of science announces that seventy millions of Americans have "little or no brains" and that "education can add nothing to their intelligence," it is perhaps time to see whether it is possible to say a word in defense of education. For if seventy millions are predestined and irretrievable fools, this democracy is probably a predestined and irretrievable failure....
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Document Information

Title: A Defense Of Education
Creator: Walter Lippmann (author)
Date: May 1923
Format: Article
Publication: The Century Magazine
Source: Available at selected libraries
Location: vol.106, no.1, pp.95-103
Keywords: African American; Children; Cognitive Disability; Demographics; Economics; Education; Educational Institutions; Eugenics; Government; Government Agencies; Ideologies; Intelligence; Intelligence Tests; Laws & Regulation; Medicine & Science; Military; Prejudice; Psychology; Public Health & Welfare; Statistics; Walter Lippmann; War; WWI
Topics: Government, Policy & Law; Institutions, Organizations & Corporations; Science, Health & Technology; Social Movements & Advocacy