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The Classifications Of Idiocy
I use the plural term classifications for two reasons. First, because idiocy, like any other general term, is susceptible of a variety of classifications; and, secondly, for the reason that I shall have occasion to speak of several modes of classification that have been suggested by others, before suggesting some inquiries as to the possibility of establishing a new one to meet certain needs that we all must feel....
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Document Information

Title: The Classifications Of Idiocy
Creator: H.B. Wilbur (author)
Date: 1877
Format: Article
Publication: Proceedings of the Association of Medical Officers of American Institutions for Idiotic and Feeble-minded Persons
Publisher: J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia
Source: Available at selected libraries
Location: pp.29-35
Keywords: Advocacy; Children; Cognitive Disability; Diagnoses & Diseases; Doctors; Down Syndrome; Edouard Seguin; Education; Educational Institutions; Hervey B. Wilbur; Idiocy; Isaac Ray; Jurisprudence; Laws & Regulation; Medical Professionals; Medicine; Medicine & Science; Moral Treatment; Nomenclature; Psychiatric Disability; Public Health; Social Welfare & Communities
Topics: Government, Policy & Law; Institutions, Organizations & Corporations; Science, Health & Technology; Social Movements & Advocacy