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Discourse Delivered At The Dedication Of The American Asylum
[I]t is both the duty and interest of those to whom the guardianship of this Asylum is entrusted, to keep its original and leading design steadily in view, to make the religious welfare of the pupils its great object...
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Document Information

Title: Discourse Delivered At The Dedication Of The American Asylum
Creator: Thomas Gallaudet (author)
Date: May 22, 1821
Format: Pamphlet
Publisher: Hudson and Co., Hartford
Source: American Antiquarian Society
Control no.: Dated Pams
Keywords: Advocacy; Alice Cogswell; American School For The Deaf; Asylums; Ceremonies; Clergy; Connecticut; Deaf; Education; Educational Institutions; Identity; Institutions; Laurent Clerc; Mason Cogswell; Religion; Schools; Sensory Disability; Social Welfare & Communities; Thomas Gallaudet
Topics: Government, Policy & Law; Institutions, Organizations & Corporations; Social Movements & Advocacy
Note: The full title of this pamphlet is "A Discourse, Delivered at the Dedication of the American Asylum, for the Education of Deaf and Dumb Persons, May 22d, 1821."