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Modern Persecution, or Insane Asylums Unveiled

From: Modern Persecution
Creator: Elizabeth P. W. Packard (author)
Date: 1873
Source: Available at selected libraries
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"Write it out just as you see it."


He then furnished me with paper, and gave directions to the attendants to let no one disturb me, and let me do just as I pleased.


I commenced writing out this mental vision, and in six weeks I penciled the substance of "The Great Drama," which, when written out for the press, covers two thousand five hundred pages of note paper.


Can I not truly say my train of thought was engineered by the "Lightning Express?"


I had no books to aid me but Webster's large Dictionary, and the Bible. It came wholly through my own reason and intel-lect, quickened into unusual activity by the perfect state of my health, from the most persistent conformity to the laws of health in eating, sleeping, and exercise, and by the inspiring hope of coming freedom. The production is a remarkable one, as well as the indicting of it, a very singular phenome-non.


If, during my life-time, this "Great Drama" can be published and not imperil my personal liberty, I shall be happy to give it to the world.


But until that time arrives, when an original thought can be spoken or written, without incurring the charge of insanity for such an act, my personal liberty is only safe, while this manu-script is hidden from the age in which it was written.


My Exposure of Calvinism and Defence of Christianity, as Presented to the Trustees.


GENTLEMEN -- I am accused of teaching my children doc-trines ruinous in their tendency, and such as alienate them from their father.


I reply that my teachings and practice both are ruinous to Satan's cause, and do alienate my children from satanic influences. I teach Christianity; my husband teaches Calvin-ism. These are antagonistic systems, and uphold antagonistic authorities.


Christianity upholds God's authority. Calvinism, the devil's authority.


Calvinism befriends slavery. Christianity befriends liberty.


The kingdom of Christ and the kingdom of Satan can no longer exist in one and the same family or government. The time has come when the tares and the wheat must be separa-ted; for' the harvest of the world is fully ripe.


Calvin was a bigot -- an intolerant despot -- a murderer. Christ was a kind, liberal, charitable and tolerant friend and protector to all, and the Saviour of all.


Calvin trespassed upon the inalienable rights of others. Christ protected the rights of all.


Calvin hated with a deadly hate his Christian brother. Christ loved with saving power his enemies.


Calvinism is treason to God's government. Christianity is loyalty to God's government.


Calvinistic marriage requires the subjection of woman. Christian marriage requires the protection of woman.


The teachings of Christ and those of Calvin are antago-nistic.


Christ taught there is but one God. Calvin taught there are three Gods.


Christ taught that he was the Son of God. Calvin taught that he was God himself.


Christ taught that the Son could not be as old as his Father. Calvin taught that they could be of the same age.


Christ taught that he was a subordinate being, subject to God's authority, and that he acted with delegated power as the world's Saviour, and that when this end was fully achieved he should deliver up his delegated authority to his Father, and he himself be subject to him, and God would then be "all and in all."


Calvin taught that Christ was God himself, and acted by his own self-derived authority.


Christ taught that God was the Father of all the human family, and as such, purposes and designs the best good of all his children; and he taught that he had Omnipotent power to carry out and accomplish all the benevolent purposes of his paternal nature.


Calvin taught that the larger part of the human family were the children of the devil, and that he had Omnipotent power to thwart God's purposes concerning such, and could ensure to them eternal destruction in spite of God's intention and purpose to redeem the whole of the human family from destruction.


Christ taught that every sin would receive its just punish-ment -- that the law of justice was inexorable -- that the only way to escape punishment was to escape the cause of punish-ment.


Calvin taught that the favorites in God's family would be exonerated from this law, simply because they believed that Christ died for sinners.


Christ taught that punishment would continue so long as transgression continued, that whenever repentance took place, pardon ensued; and that all would sometime repent, because he had purposed to save all in this way alone; and he taught that death and hell would finally be destroyed, and, of course, if the effect ceased, the cause must have ceased.


Calvin taught that the greater part of God's family would transcend God's ability to discipline into subjugation to his authority and obedience to his commands; and that failing in his ability so to do, he was determined to show his power over them by keeping them in endless, hopeless torment, and thus, fiend-like, manifest his despotic authority by forever torturing his helpless victims.

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