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Training Schools - And CPS

Creator: Stephen L. Angell, Jr. (author)
Date: July 15, 1944
Publication: The Reporter
Source: Available at selected libraries

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Members of the CPS unit have aided in art classes, singing groups, organized athletics, organized a Boy Scout troop which is well on its way toward becoming a functional unit of the school.




"Men frequently tend to evaluate their work in terms of immediate results. When working with delinquents this is not possible, for frequently a seed planted does not bear fruit for years to come. One must face the fact that in dealing with human personality and behavior in this field the "unknowns" are infinite. Then there are the frustrations of the jobs and Cheltenham certainly has its share; the inability of responsible State officials to understand the proper function of a training school, the continual dissatisfaction with continuing racial discrimination and segregation and the general irritations of Institutional setting. These could make the job unbearable; on the other hand the opportunity to participate in human rehabilitation effectively is the kind of job that is worth taking on, even though at times the difficulties in the path of concrete achievements seem insurmountable."


-- Stephen L. Angell, Jr.


Psychology According to psychologists, idiots are people whose mental age will never exceed that of a two year old child; the mental age of imbeciles is between two and seven, that of morons between seven and twelve. All of these unfortunate people are loosely, classed as feeble minded.


All three types are found in the training schools. Idiots are almost helpless, higher grade morons can often be rehabilitated; sent out into the community to do useful jobs.


No. 14


The fourteenth CPS unit to work in a training school was approved in May, 1944. The project : New Jersey State Village for Epileptics. The administrative agency: The American Baptist Home Mission Society, their first unit. Present personnel: Pulitzer-Prize Winner Carleton Mabee.


Carl Mabee is assistant director and is now making arrangements for the rest of the unit which will be transferred in alter the summer fire season.

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