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A Chapter From Real Life. By A Recovered Patient

Creator:  L.
Date: February 1854
Publication: The Opal
Source: New York State Library

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At certain periods of life we live years of emotion in a few weeks; and look back on those times as great gaps between the old life and the new. You do not know how much you suffer in those critical maladies of the heart, until the disease is over, and you look on it afterward. The day passes in more or less of pain, and the night wears away somehow. -- THACKERAY.


There are periods in the existence of all who enjoy and suffer keenly, so fraught with torture that to look back upon them, or to endeavor to analyze the causes which led to such miserable results seems almost madness. And there may be evils which come upon us so suddenly, that we can never clearly comprehend why, or how we became victims to them. More than two years have now passed since I recovered from the mental blindness which for months had rested like a dark cloud upon me, and came near consigning me to the grave of a suicide. I have endeavored to find some causes sufficient to dethrone reason and derange the whole mental economy, wishing to know if I were thus punished for violation of physical or moral laws, or if this were a means employed by God to show me the insufficiency of my own nature and the necessity of relying entirely upon Divine Wisdom for safety and happiness.


If it were punishment for offences surely I must have been a grievous sinner to deserve such terrible retribution, but with humility I say that I hope it was only the refiner's fire in which we are to be tried, to make us meet for the inheritance of the saints in light, for "the Lord loveth whom he chasteneth."


The first thing I remember which seems to savor of Insanity was a presentiment of some great evil which was to befall me, either in my own person, or to those nearest and dearest to me, then I had a vivid imagination, and was much inclined to day dreams or building air castles, and this added to a morbid sensitiveness to reproach, or ridicule, made me often very unhappy. I fancied that if I was to leave home for a while should I find something to banish trouble. I left my parents to spend a winter among friends and relatives, yet the grim phantom of coming evil haunted my slumbers, and I found, like Noah's dove, no rest for the sole of my foot. I was ashamed to tell my friends the fears which tormented me, at length became so weary of myself that life seemed a burden. I dreaded to pass a grave yard, it would cause a faintness, deathly sensations to see a coffin, or read of young persons who had recently died. I struggled against these fantasies, but I grew thin and pale, lost strength rapidly, and my friends became alarmed, I could not eat, food was repulsive, I could not sleep quietly for in dreams I saw my father drowning, little brother dying, and I arose each morning pale and haggard. Society had no charms for me, the faces of my former associates became almost repulsive, and I sought in the solitude of my room for relief by looking in my Bible in a hap hazard manner, for some particular verses to speak comfort. Then I became alarmed for the spiritual welfare of my father and mother, and spent hours in tears and bitter anguish over their fate, my aunt and uncle both endeavored to comfort me, they prayed for and with me. I read the Bible and Commentaries from morning till night. I wept, I prayed, but no comforter came, reason tottered on its throne, and then my parents came for me, the quick eye of a mother saw the evil which had been months coming, I was insane, and every step of my journey home only increased the evil. I thought I was told to leave father and mother, and preach, that this would be taking up the cross daily, to go into groceries and bar-rooms, where wicked men congregate, warn them of their sins and endure patiently their reproaches, for Christ's sake. I was scarcely willing to dress decently, lest I should be proud, to eat decently cooked food lest it should pamper the appetite. My parents were Universalists. I almost hated them for it, though they told me to believe whatever seemed right, and to join any Church I liked best. I was resolved to run away and preach, but they watched me, for my failing health rendered care necessary. At length one delusion gave way to another, from being fit to preach, I suddenly became a fiend, who was the cause of all sickness, insanity, sorrow, wickedness and death. My breath poisoned people, I was not fit to live among beasts. Eating would choke me to death, and water almost threw me into spasms at times, for I thought how soon I would be where I should lift up my eyes in torment, and beg for one drop to tool my parched tongue, and it would be denied me.


Oh, the intolerable tortures I experienced from hunger and thirst, while the blood seemed like molten lava coursing through my veins. My whole nature seemed changed in this respect, for nothing but physical force could compel me to eat, and that in my miserable emaciated condition seemed cruelty. I had my choice of two alternatives, to eat, or be carried to Utica. I ate perhaps three times during one week, then refused to ever eat again. My parents, almost heart broken, left home with me for the Asylum, I looking like a spectre, yet refusing to rest, and my last words on parting with those I never thought of meeting again, were such as rung through their ears for long weary months, upbraidings for their cruelty in taking me away to die among strangers.


I reached the Asylum more dead than alive, and I surely believe had my reason been then as suddenly restored as it was fourteen weeks afterward, I should have died immediately from sheer exhaustion.


I liked the face of Dr. B., the moment I saw it. I thought I had found a friend, and I fancied that when my parents were once my parents were once gone he would allow me to go without eating. That I soon found myself mistaken, need not be told in regard to doing as I pleased, but I was wise enough to submit without any struggle, or even coaxing, much to his astonishment I am sure as it has since been to mine.


I believe I behaved very consistently in some respects, I thought I was the evil spirit in the form of woman. So I frankly told the attendants and patients what I was, but at the same time out of respect to the company I was in, I behaved as well as I knew how. I thought it wicked however to attempt to look as well as other people, so I would not dress my hair, in order to look as much like the evil one as I could in that particular. I thought the Doctors fancied ma a fool, but that their duties to patients compelled them to treat me politely, so I would not speak to them save in monosyllables, and in reply to questions. I thought I deserved to suffer pain, because I caused others to be sick, and I passed hours in intense physical agony, when I might have been relived had I told the torture I experienced from neuralgia, and a spinal affection. I have held my fingers under scalding water until the skin pealed from the tips of them, but the thought of bathing was cruelty itself, it seemed at home when water was poured upon me that every drop was a coal of fire. I was not consistent in one respect, for I was grieved at the misery I saw others endure. I tried to comfort them. I knew they were insane, that were any one else to tell the same story I did, I should pronounce it insanity of the most inveterate kind. I often wished I was insane instead of a fiend. I could detect a hypocrite then as well as now, and in twenty-four hours after my arrival saw an attendant practice a mean act of deception upon the Doctors which other patients did not suspect, or if they did cared nothing about it. I did, for it is in small things people betray their real character, thenceforth I set her down as one not to be trusted, and did not respect, or care for her, but clung to Miss P.


I finally ceased speaking to my delusions, save to attendants. I did not attend religious worship, thinking it ridiculous and wicked for me to go. The evil one in Chapel! thought I, but I was at last persuaded to attend one Sabbath, and can well remember the sickness of heart which stole over me when listening to the old familiar tones I had sung so often in Church.


I would not dance, or join in any amusement. I am passionately fond of reading, but would not ask for a book. I loved to write and my brains seemed like a boiling caldron, my mind was perfectly clear, save on one topic, my memory never more retentive and all days usually observed as holidays at home were marked and called forth many bitter tears. The least act towards a patient which seemed harsh or unkind would make every nerve thrill and I endeavored to atone for it by special attention.


Thanksgiving day came and some charm seemed to linger about it. While eating dinner, for the first time in months a gleam of hope shone in my heart, it faded as soon, but I felt better for it. I went to Chapel, returned to the Hall in very good spirits and conversed with a visitor from another Hall for a long time upon amusing topics, in the evening danced and astonished the patients by singing tunes for others to dance after. Next day had a long fit of weeping over my wickedness and met sorrowful glances from my friends when they saw me "thus changed from yesterday's cheerfulness" as they expressed it. After dinner while sitting alone in my room with tears hung fast upon my work, came like light from heaven a change. The lightning's flash is not more brilliant or rapid than the revulsion of feelings which swept over me then. I sat for a few moments benumbed, paralyzed, breathless, then as if it were a sane self-speaking to an insane one, I reasoned thus "You have been insane, very insane, your stories about yourself are all insane delusions, your fear of choaking will convince you of that, you were near death when you came here you are well or nearly so now." I was very weak and faint for a few moments after this and things seemed dark and strange, as when recovering from a fall, or severe blow, then I rallied but could not take another stitch correctly.


Went and in an excited manner, told Miss P--- how I was, and she seemed at a loss to know whether I was better or worse. I was dumb when I most wished for words. It seems like a miracle now that wondrous transformation. I have for a few days tasted happiness as exquisite as is ever permitted to mortals to enjoy.


I cannot describe the love I felt for all, nor the gratitude bordering on adoration for those who had watched over my weakness and rescued me from the grave.


Everything seemed brighter, better, and my pillow was often moistened with blissful tears.


I feel that I have poorly succeeded in telling the mysterious change from darkness to light. I cannot myself comprehend or account for it upon any common principle, should anyone ask me how, or why, it chanced thus to be, I could only answer as did one of old, "I only know that whereas I was blind I now see."



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