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Christmas And Dr. Eiben

Creator: n/a
Date: 1959
Publication: Toomeyville Jr. Gazette
Source: Gazette International Networking Institute
Figures From This Artifact: Figure 1  Figure 2  Figure 3  Figure 4  Figure 5  Figure 6  Figure 7

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Six years ago when I was just starting the long process of learning to breathe, I can remember my disgust with myself because it seemed to me that I was falling short of my planned rate of recuperation. One day after I had again been unable to reach the goal I had hoped for, Dr. Eiben told me that the clock would come down from the wall till I realized it played no part in my adjustment to a new way of life. And he was right -- it didn't.
Mary Jo Sands


"Hi Ace" "Hi Speedy" "THERE she is"


These words may never go down in history as among the greatest in Literature. But to the patients of Toomey they mean more than all the utterings of Shakespeare. These words mean that Dr. Eiben is there. And in the way HE speaks them, they mean "trouble is past," "all is right in God's world."
Ruth Davis


My Humble Tribute to a Magnificent Man:


Besides possessing all the qualities of a superb Man of Medicine, Dr. Eiben is indeed the perfect Polio Doctor. With his gentle, competent manner, he exudes the confidence so important to Polios.


No matter what the occasion or circumstance, Dr. Eiben has exactly the right word for each Toomey-ite as he makes his rounds.
Janet Ruehling


Dr. Eiben is such a fabulous person that mere words cannot describe him. He is very devoted to his chosen profession and does a marvelous job of caring for his 'family of patients.' I for one feel a great comfort in knowing that he is available and willing to help all of us at any time -- 24 hours a day -- everyday.
Jean Lang


"Our Good Shepherd:" I am proud to be able to count Dr. Eiben as friend and doctor. To know him, is to know one of the finest doctors of our times.


He is a rare individual who has pursued a sometimes thankless and unrewarding task. His moral victories have surpassed any worldly gains he may receive. His greatest joy is being able to discharge a patient knowing that he has received the best treatment known.


After Polio has been fully conquered I'm sure he will find a new foe of mankind and be one of the leaders in the fight against it.


He has made his mark in the world and his star will continue to shine even brighter.


"One of the flock" Ruth Shema


Alias Dr. Wonderful -- If you were to look up the meaning of the word wonderful in the dictionary you would find many meanings. For instance, it would say, a person or thing that causes a feeling of admiration for, good, excellent, fine, deserving of admiration. That is why I have chosen the title, Dr. Wonderful, to describe and pay a tribute to a truly fine doctor, Our Dr. Eiben!


As my closing I would like to leave you with this thought --


"A person so full of good virtues
As our Dr. Eiben is sure,
There will always be room in my heart
With a feeling warm and secure.
His character will remain solid and strong.
Through all of his trial, short or long.
His place in eternity, will be of the highest throng
For his way has been hard, he tries never to do wrong."
Marilyn "Lynn" Martinka


I remember how Dr. Eiben made his rounds each evening and that he was always glad to listen to the fears and even the "gripes." My mother tells me that she gleaned much form his Sunday lectures. My folks were so ignorant of the "dread" polio that his clear and to the point instructions were a godsend.
John Berry


He's a nice guy. It is a real pleasure to be associated with him.
Dick Miller


He's a good friend.
Burt Bacon


I want to say Merry Xmas and Happy New Year. Also I want to thank Dr. Eiben and his staff for their wonderful care while I was with them. They are all a wonderful group and I want to say Thank You.
Marian Stieger


It gives me great pleasure at this time to be able to write about such a fine man known as Dr. Eiben. The many doctors I have met in the different hospitals I have been in since I left Cleveland, -- he is tops with me.


The interest he has for his patients in trying to make them comfortable and to be able to use what they have to a best advantage means a lot to one who is immobile.


May your holiday season be blessed with happiness.
Rita Ford


Confidence, the greatest gift anyone could want, that's what Dr. Eiben gave me. Any patient will agree there is nothing too minute or magnanimous that Dr. Eiben would not attempt for them just for the asking.
Adele Mockbee


There is nothing that I can say that would show how very grateful I am to Dr. Eiben for all that he has done for me during the last five years. No matter how busy he has been he has always had the time to listen to my problems and I'm sure that everyone who knows him will agree with me when I say that there is no one to whom it is easier to talk. His pet names, which are more familiar to some than are their own, his kindness, and his understanding are just a few of the things which have endeared him to he hearts of both patients and staff alike. All in all to me he is a very special person.
Mickie McGraw


I think I will always remember Dr. Eiben for his pleasant smile which always made me better no matter how sick I was. He always makes a joke or a wisecrack and is always anxious to help if he possibly could.
Kathy Harrigan

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