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A Brief History Of The Pennsylvania Institution For The Deaf And Dumb

Creator: H. Van Allen (author)
Date: 1893
Source: Available at selected libraries
Figures From This Artifact: Figure 2  Figure 3  Figure 4  Figure 5  Figure 6

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ARTICLE II. The officers of the Institution shall be a president, four vice-presidents, a treasurer and recording secretary. They shall be ex-officio members of the Board of Directors, and their duties shall be such as are implied in their titles, or shall be prescribed by the by-laws. And said officers shall not receive any fee or compensation for their service in performing their several duties, either directly or indirectly, excepting the treasurer and secretary.


ARTICLE III. There shall be a board of twenty-four directors, members of the Institution, who shall annually, at the meeting next succeeding their election, appoint one of their number to act as corresponding secretary. Their duties shall be such as shall be defined by the by-laws. There shall also be a committee of twelve ladies selected annually by the Board of Directors at their first meeting, to aid in the management of the asylum under such provisions as may from time to time be prescribed by the by-laws.


ARTICLE IV. Any person shall be entitled to become a member by paying annually, or in gross, the sum which shall be required by the by-laws for an annual or life subscription.


ARTICLE V. The members of the Institution shall meet annually on the first Wednesday in May, in the city of Philadelphia, (at such hour as the directors may prescribe) for the election of officers and directors and the transaction of other business, and to receive the annual report of the directors. Adjourned and special meetings maybe held as shall be provided by the by-laws.


ARTICLE VI. The right of membership may be relinquished, and the resignation addressed in writing to the Board of Directors shall be accepted by them; Provided, the member shall have discharged all demands due by him or her to the Institution.


ARTICLE VII. The funds of the Institution shall be at the disposal and under the management of the Board of Directors, subject, however, so far as relates to that part derived from the life subscriptions, to such restrictions as may be imposed by the by-laws, and subject also to such restrictions as may accompany the grant of aid by the Legislature. And it shall be the duty of the directors for the time being to present to the speaker of the Senate and of the House of Representatives, respectively, in the month of December, annually, a statement of the funds and expenses of the Institution, and of the number of children received and educated therein during the year immediately preceding, and of the parts of the State whence they have come, distinguishing between those who have been supported and educated gratuitously, and others.


ARTICLE VIII. Indigent children, resident anywhere within the State, shall be received into the school and asylum, maintained and educated gratuitously so far as the funds of the Institution will admit; Provided, that when more children shall be offered for the benefit of this Institution than can be received at any one time, the president and directors shall apportion their number among the several Counties of this Commonwealth, according to their representation (when application shall be made) that every County may equally receive the benefits of the same.


ARTICLE IX. The number of officers and directors may be increased or diminished, as convenience shall require, at any annual meeting of the members of the Institution, notice of the intended alteration being previously given, and twenty members, being a majority of the members present, consenting; and any general meeting shall be competent to make, alter or repeal by-laws, rules and regulations, twenty-one members being present at the same.


A third meeting was held on Wednesday evening, April 26 when the following officers and directors were elected: President, Rt. Rev. William White; Vice-Presidents, Robert Patterson, Horace Binney, Roberts Vaux, Dr. N. Chapman; Secretary, Henry J. Williams; Treasurer, John Bacon; Directors, William Meredith, John Vaughan, Clement C. Biddle, Jacob Gratz, J. N . Barker, General T. Cadwalader, William J. Duane, Samuel Archer, Paul Beck, R. Walsh, Jr., Alexander Henry, Rev. P. F. Mayer, Dr. William Price, Calender Irwin, Reuben Haines, Dr. Franklin Bache, Samuel B. Morris, W. W. Fisher, Benjamin Tilghman, Caleb Cresson, William McIlvaine, Joseph Gratz, Samuel Canby and Samuel R. Wood.


It is worthy of note, as illustrative of the abiding interest which the members of the original Board took in the welfare of the school, that most of them continued to take an active part in the management of the Institution to the time of their deaths, and that many of them are represented on the present board by descendants in the third generation.


The Board of Directors appointed a committee to confer with Mr. Seixas, with a view of securing his services as teacher, and another committee to prepare an address to the inhabitants of Pennsylvania, setting forth the objects of the Institution and soliciting pecuniary aid. At the next meeting of the Board, held May 6, it was announced that Mr. Seixas had been engaged at a salary of $1000 per annum.

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