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Modern Persecution, or Insane Asylums Unveiled

From: Modern Persecution
Creator: Elizabeth P. W. Packard (author)
Date: 1873
Source: Available at selected libraries
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The following article was prepared for the class, but was refused a hearing lest it be found to favor Spiritualism:


I differ from Deacon Merrick in the opinion that those spiritual gifts mentioned in the 12th chapter of 1st Corinthians -- viz.: "the gifts of healing, working of miracles, prophecying, discerning of spirits, interpretation of tongues, the word of wisdom, and the word of knowledge," etc., were confined to the apostolic age. But it is my opinion that they are the legitimate fruits of pure Christianity, and attendant upon it to the end of time. Christ says, "these signs shall follow them that believe." Faith is evidently the stock on which these gifts are grafted, and I believe this is a kind of faith which it is our duty to cultivate and exercise to the same degree that the apostles did. And my reasons for this belief are supported by facts and revelation, as I view it.


FIRST. -- The Bible supports this opinion. Christ instructed us to exercise a kind of faith, "which he compares in power to that of" removing mountains," and also, "if ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed ye might say to this sycamore tree, be thou plucked up by the roots, and be thou cast into the sea, and it shall obey you." Now these illustrations evidently seem to teach that in the exercise of this faith we may expect effects to be produced beyond what our reason alone would justify us in expecting. Again, in James it is said "the prayer of faith shall save the sick." And again, "all things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."


Now will it be uncharitable in me to suggest that the faith of the orthodox churches of the present day may be like unto the faith of the woman who was told she could have whatever she asked for, believing she should have it. Shortly after she wanted something very much, and so prayed for it to get it; but it did not come. Chagrined at her failure, she remarked indignantly, "I knew it would not come when I asked for it!" Now, may not Christians ask like this woman, disbelieving, instead of believing they shall have them?


SECOND. -- The proof of facts that this faith was not confined to the apostles -- first, the Bible fact. James directs the churches to call for the elders of the church "to come and anoint the sick man with oil, and to pray over him, and the prayer of faith shall save the sick." These elders who had this power were not the apostles. And Joel prophesies of the last day, "your sons and daughters shall prophesy." From this it seems there is to he a time in the future when pure, simple Christianity, like that which the apostles taught, is to prevail again upon the earth, and then these gifts are to follow as the fruits of this simple faith; thus showing that this faith was not to be confined to the apostles, but was intended to be the natural heritage of the church whenever she became pure enough to produce this vigorous growth of faith required to ensure these manifestations. This faith was taught by Christ and exemplified by himself and the apostles.


Again, all the Christian fathers, certainly down to the end of the third century, affirm the continuation of these gifts; and they maintain their assertion by well authenticated facts in church history. But in succeeding ages, when the mass of Christians had become corrupted by worldly materialism and carnal-mindedness, these gifts became more and more rarely manifested, and were mostly confined to the humble few who adhered more tenaciously to the primitive faith and practice.


Yet instances have occurred among some distinguished teachers of Christianity. So late as the year 1821 Rev. Prince Hohenlohe, of Wurtenberg, Germany, a distinguished divine, after preaching to immense crowds, commenced to perform miracles. To the astonishment of the populace, he made the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk, and the paralytics to be cured; and in a short time no less than thirty-six persons were restored to health, from a state of hopeless infirmity. This he did by his prayers and a firm confidence in God's power.


Another fact nearer home. About twenty years since I heard of a woman in Chesterfield, New Hampshire, who exhibited the power of discerning spirits, by telling at first sight the true character of entire strangers, as correctly as if she had always known them. But to come still nearer home. Have we not seen those who could instinctively read persons at first sight? and others who have a kind of prevision of what is about to take place, and they even act upon it with a kind of certainty that it would take place, for their experience had assured them that it could be relied upon as prophetic.


I once heard of a physician who had this foresight to such a degree as enabled him, in many instances, to save life, by acting in accordance with it. For instance, he once, while riding home, felt an impression that he was needed in a certain street; and following the impression, he went directly there, and found a man who had just been thrown from his horse, and in such a situation that unless surgical help were, immediately applied, he must have died. And many times he had left his bed at midnight to visit his patients, guided only by these impressions, and thus saved the lives of many of his patients.

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