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Fifteenth Annual Report Of The Trustees Of The Perkins Institution And Massachusetts Asylum For The Blind

Creator: Samuel Gridley Howe (author)
Date: 1847
Source: Perkins School for the Blind

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I have been led naturally to make these remarks in connection with the special cases for which this Report is made, and I may improve the opportunity to explain why I am obliged to employ so many teachers, and why our system of instruction is so very expensive, compared with that in common schools.


To say nothing of Laura Bridgman and Oliver Caswell, each of whom requires a large portion of the attention of one teacher, we have several other pupils who cannot be taught with the classes, and who require special instruction.


There are not over eighty scholars who attend the school, and if they were about the same age, and of about the same capacity, they might be taught by two teachers; but they are of all ages from six to twenty, and of all grades of intellect from imbecility to decided talent. The first must not be neglected, and the second must not be held back in a snail pace, to wait for the laggards. Besides the music teacher, I am obliged to employ three teachers and two assistants, and we ought to have another.


Miss Wight still has the charge of Laura Bridgman, and is to her as a mother, friend, and teacher. To her is due all the credit for the moral and intellectual improvement which Laura has made during the last year. Miss Tallant has the care of the boys' school, and Miss Paddock of the girls'. The former has been assisted by Mr. Sturtevant, and the latter by Miss Carter, both of whom were formerly pupils in the school. I take this opportunity to express my obligations and thanks to them all for the ability and zeal with which they have discharged their several duties during the year. The success of the schools is owing to their labors.


Mr. Werner continues to have charge of the music department, which has made excellent progress under his skillful management.


Very respectfully,



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