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Astounding Disclosures! Three Years In A Mad House

Creator: Isaac H. Hunt (author)
Date: 1851
Publisher: Isaac H. Hunt
Source: Patricia Deegan Collection
Figures From This Artifact: Figure 2  Figure 3

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DR. ROBERT A. CONY called and sworn. Testified that soon after he was elected one of the board of Selectmen, in the spring of 1847, Mr. Hunt sent for him to call and see him at the hospital. He did so, and saw him at work upon his bench, a perfectly sane and rational man as he ever saw. That he had known him for some eight or ten years before going there, but that he was exasperated by being, as he said, wrongfully imprisoned there, and that he said he should leave at every hazard, but wished to go peaceably, and told him there was no way to imprison him or bring him to trial if he were to destroy the officers; that he would then only be a crazy man -- that he, as one of the Selectmen, took the entire responsibility of removing him against the strongest representations of Dr. Bates, who said he was an insane man; and that his reasons for so doing were that he not only knew him to be of sane mind, but that his right as an officer of the town enabled Mr. Hunt to call upon him, and having been for many years his personal and intimate friend, be had a right to demand it of him as such; and that he had for more than three years attended to his regular business, and in all respects conducted himself like a man.




BENJAMIN T. GAY called and sworn. I have been an attendant. -- Went with Littlehale as stated by Libbey. Littlehale refused to go back. Bartlett took him and Libbey interfered. Considerable of a scuffle. He leaned on Bartlett and be let him down. Said he would let him down hard. I could not say there was unnecessary abuse offered to the man. I have known patients to escape through carelessness or negligence of attendants or keepers. Recollect the instance as related by Mrs. Tobey. Do not remember much about it. Have thrown patients down and held them down. As for taking him up by the hair I did not take that man up so. Patients complain of treatment -- sometimes correctly, sometimes not. Did not see Mrs. Tobey until she had passed. Did shake Crowley, as stated by Hussey. -- (Cross Examination.) Patients sometimes seized by throat. I have seized patients so. I do not know an instance when one attendant has informed officers of another. Patients relate incidents correctly often.


S. S. BARTLETT recalled. I have been in lodge and lower gallery almost five years. Attendants are promoted occasionally. I have been kept there until short time ago. I had higher wages because best. Gilman never had care of Lodge except two days. Capt. Shaw was not burnt. Capt. Shaw -- filthy and destructive. Less trouble to take care of patients naked. Never told Gilman that Shaw was burnt. I told Gilman the officers were going to discharge him. I went and got his discharge for him. I do not admit that I ever misused a patient. I do not say that Eastman was not burnt. What Mrs. Dennen said about the Lawyers is true. The other part I do not recollect.


JOHN M. POND called and sworn. I have worked in hospital a year and 9 or 10 months. I have been careful to notice treatment of patients. I have seen officers treat patients very kindly. Five of us were called to assist in handling a patient. Bartlett cautioned to handle with care. (Cross Examined.) I have given the attendants to understand that I should watch them. I have a brother a patient. I saw Parsons kick a patient unnecessarily.


THEODORE C. ALLEN called and sworn. I have lived near the hospital seven years. I repaired in '44, '45, '46, and '47. I never saw a patient abused except the case spoken of by Pond. The day before Hussey was called he said he did not know any thing against the institution. I saw Parsons kick a patient.


JAMES M. BATES called and sworn. I heard Hussey say as stated by Allen in office. I am son of Dr. Bates. I think the hospital conducted in the best possible manner, and on the best possible plan. I think the abuses spoken of are greatly exaggerated.


DANFORTH recalled. I heard Hussey say same as spoken of by Allen.


DR. HARLOW called and sworn. An assistant physician 6 or 7 years. Eastman was not burnt. Never heard of it until this summer. Know of no abuses. Might exist and I not know it. Bartlett a good attendant. Dr. Bates stands well among superintendants. Think him a first rate man for the place. -NOTE. -- Speaks well of hospital and endeavors to explain abuses.-


ROBERT JONES called and sworn. Been at hospital little short of two years, an attendant. Never saw Bartlett use any unnecessary force. Always considered it my duty to assist Bartlett. Never saw what I call abuse. Saw Gay take Crowley down and shake him. Put him into the drain. Did not kick him. I should do as Gay did. I have heard Bartlett say the officers would not turn him away. I am a relative of Dr. Bates. Attendants have been discharged, and Bartlett said they would not discharge him for such things as that.


JOHN HAM called and sworn. Been an attendant ten months. Never saw abuses.


COL. HENRY SAWYER called and sworn. Lived near Hospital ever since it has been occupied. Have seen patients out of the house but not in. Never saw abuse but once. Bartlett or Bragg took a patient from lodge to house in nothing but shirt, in Dec. '46 or Jan. '47, distance about 90 feet, in cold weather. Parsons told me he went into the lodge with some one and took Eastman out and his back was burnt on the hot stones. Told me before December 1848.

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