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Date Format Image Collection
1868 Book    Document
1868 Book    Document
1858 Book    Document
1875 Book    Document
1946 Charts & Tables  Bar graphs showing money in wages and percentages of people with various disabilities who earned those wages. Visual Still
1967 Charts & Tables  Chart showing number of people in vocational rehabilitation programs and the foster grandparent program. Visual Still
1942 Charts & Tables    Document
1942 Charts & Tables  Chart showing percentages of Goodwill workers by disability. Visual Still
1956 Comic Book  A woman call from a porch to an elderly man patting a horse. Visual Still
1956 Comic Book  Comic book panels.  Three sets of couples converse. Visual Still
1956 Comic Book  Elderly man and woman in rocking chairs talk; a younger couple discuss their future. Visual Still
1956 Comic Book  A young couple speak while walking along the street of a small town. Visual Still
1956 Comic Book  A man and woman converse in a city apartment. Visual Still
1956 Comic Book  An urban couple converse.  Then man then speaks on the phone with his mother. Visual Still
1956 Comic Book  A elderly man speaks at an office; then a happy scene at a farm. Visual Still
1956 Comic Book  A young man tell his mother about his new job and she night be entitled to benefits. Visual Still
1858 Engraving  Older women sits on stool next to fence, broken window, and broom, her clothing somewhat tattered. Visual Still
circa 1885 Ephemera  Trade card describing the merits of Dr. Isaas Thompson's Celebrated Eye Water. Visual Still
circa 1885 Ephemera  Elderly woman applying liquid to elderly man's eye. Visual Still
1906 Government Document    Document
July 1974 Government Document    Document
March 1877 Government Document    Document
1908 Government Document    Document
1843 Government Document    Document
January 1986 Government Document    Document
January 17, 1935 Government Document    Document
January 16, 1939 Government Document    Document
August 11, 1939 Government Document    Document
August 14, 1935 Government Document    Document
December 14, 1937 Government Document    Document
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