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KEYWORDS: Medicine & Science

Results: 41 - 50 of 485 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1959 Article    Document
1959 Article    Document
1959     Document
1959 Article    Document
1959 Cartoon  A drawing of a women in a wheelchair with chestpiece as a girls looks on. Visual Still
1959 Cartoon  A drawing of woman in a wheelchair with children applying make-up. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  Ida Brinkman, in a wheelchair, surrounded by a boy holding a football, a girl holding a doll, and a boy holding an airplane. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  A woman in wheelchair and wearing a chestliece plays shuffleboard. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  A photograph of a car seat with a homemade head support. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  Two photographs of homemade lifts and an exterior elevator. Visual Still
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