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Date Format Image Collection
1942 Charts & Tables    Document
1942 Charts & Tables  Chart showing percentages of Goodwill workers by disability. Visual Still
June 1942 Article    Document
1943 Annual Report    Document
January 1, 1943 Photograph  Woman and blind man work on aircraft as his seeing eye dog lies at his feet Visual Still
1946 Charts & Tables  Bar graphs showing money in wages and percentages of people with various disabilities who earned those wages. Visual Still
1946 Annual Report    Document
1950 Photograph  Meeting of Mrs. B.B. Choudbury with Helen Keller in New York. Visual Still
January 26, 1952 Photograph  Helen Keller in later years, facing left. Visual Still
circa 1955 Comic Book  Panels of the comic book, The Will to Win. Milton Caniff thinks about people with disabilities and shows Good Willy at a Goodwill store. Visual Still
1955 Book    Document
1955 Photograph  Portrait of Robert Irwin with signature beneath it. Visual Still
August 1, 1956 Government Document    Document
1960 Photograph  Three blind people walk down a city street, two men flanking a woman. Each carries a white cane in their right hand. Visual Still
1962 Article    Document
1962 Photograph  A young man in a wheelchair with a blind friend. Visual Still
1963 Photograph  Original caption: Honors Acclaim Helen Keller, 75. Easton, Connecticut: World Tribute will honor Miss Helen Keller, America's Most Courageous Lady, on the return to her Easton, Connecticut home from her current trip to the Far East. Visual Still
July 1974 Government Document    Document
March 23, 1977 Article    Document
August 14, 1977 Postcard  Photograph of young man helping a boy row a rowboat.  Two girls are also in the boat. Visual Still
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