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The Classifications Of Idiocy

Creator: H.B. Wilbur (author)
Date: 1877
Publication: Proceedings of the Association of Medical Officers of American Institutions for Idiotic and Feeble-minded Persons
Publisher: J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia
Source: Available at selected libraries

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Page 4:


Such a classification will not necessarily be an arbitrary one. There can be established, with the experience already accumulated upon the subject, a scheme of the general order of development of the mental faculties even in the case of idiots. Comprehension of language must precede the use of language. Certain sounds will precede others in articulation. Simple sentences will be used before compound sentences. Certain perceptions will lead to others. The will first acquires control over the muscular system, etc.


With such a scheme before us we should be able not only to define the position of our pupils, mentally, at the very start, but also to keep track of their progress in the intellectual way. Thus could we not only satisfy ourselves, but also record, for the benefit of others, the result of our labors.


I commend, then, to your attention the hitherto undefined and unrecorded signs and features of mental and moral condition, the peculiar habits of the different shades and grades of idiocy. I commend to your attention the question of methods of description and registration, that at our next or some future meeting we may be able to agree upon some form of classification that shall meet the need I have spoken of.

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