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Date Format Image Collection
May 1933 Cartoon  Cartoon of a man in a small tank going uphill pulling a wheelchair. Visual Still
July 1933 Cartoon  Cartoon of a man with his arm around a woman on a park bench with wheels. Visual Still
August 1933 Cartoon  A young man uses a crutch to hold pretzels and a beer mug. Visual Still
September 1933 Cartoon  Cartoon of a young man on crutches looking at a strong man on a soap box. Visual Still
July 1932 Photograph  A batter stands next to a wheelchair and holds crutches while others watch. Visual Still
May 1933 Illustration  A drawing of an enclosed courtyard. Visual Still
1869 Book  A boy looks into the sky near the ocean. Visual Still
January 30, 1939 Pamphlet  Drawing of children carrying crutches with fairy flying above with banner, Health To All. Visual Still
1962 Magazine  Campus scene with a young woman in a wheelchair. Visual Still
August 1931 Photograph  A young man swings a golf club. Visual Still
1945 Photograph  Wooden ramp along stairs in ornate Victorian house. Visual Still
1945 Photograph  Ramp covering stairs next to ornate woodwork. Visual Still
August 1933 Photograph  A young man sits in a car. Visual Still
August 1933 Photograph  A young man sits in a chair and reads a book. Visual Still
August 1933 Photograph  A physical therapist works on a man in a pool. Visual Still
August 1933 Photograph  A man swims in a pool. Visual Still
August 1933 Photograph  A young man lies on a couch and reads a newspaper. Visual Still
August 1933 Photograph  A man works at a desk. Visual Still
August 1933 Photograph  A man suns himself on a cot. Visual Still
August 1933 Photograph  A man sleeps in a bed. Visual Still
August 1933 Photograph  Two young mnen and two young women sit on a porch swing. Visual Still
August 1933 Photograph  A young man walks on crutches. Visual Still
1942 Photograph  An elderly man varnishing a chair. Visual Still
April 1933 Magazine  Cover of The Polio Chronicle showing Franklin Roosevelt taking the oath of office. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  A photograph of the author inside a drawing of a spider. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  A set of five posters on trachoma. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  Poster showing individuals made blind from trachoma. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  Poster showing ways that trachoma can be transmitted. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  Poster showing ways to prevent trachoma. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  A poster showing where trachoma occurs. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  Poster showing how trachoma can be controlled. Visual Still
February 1934 Photograph  Two smiling children in wheelchairs, one reclining. Visual Still
1922 Poster  Group of blind boys with anti-gonorrhea message. Visual Still
1922 Poster  Mother lies in bed after giving birth; message about the danger of passing on syphillis to newborns. Visual Still
1922 Poster  Drawing of blind girl with a message warning about gonorrhea. Visual Still
1922 Poster  Painting of two healthy-looking children riding tricycles; message about importance of passing good traits on to your children. Visual Still
1970 Poster  Text poster about how to get black lung benefits. Visual Still
February 1934 Photograph  The driving mechanisms of Roosevelt's car. Visual Still
1960 Photograph  A man with a telephone headset and a respirator chestpiece. Visual Still
1960 Photograph  A man in a wheelchair with papers and a man using a mouthstick to type. Visual Still
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