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Excerpt from:
Carry On
During this period of treatment and convalescence every effort is made to prevent hospitalization, meaning habits of indolence and discontent, and the spoiling of the soldiers by misguided hero worship. Curative work, prevocational and even vocational training, physical exercises, and healthful recreations, are provided in the general and base hospitals and in every convalescent center for the sole purpose of hastening the cure of our disabled soldiers and returning them to civil life as productive citizens....
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Document Information

Title: Carry On
Creator: M.W. Ireland (author)
Date: March 1919
Format: Article
Publication: Carry On: Magazine on the Reconstruction of Disabled Soldiers and Sailors
Source: American Printing House for the Blind, Inc., M. C. Migel Library
Location: vol.1, no.6, p.4
Keywords: American Red Cross; Doctors; Employment; Hospitals; Institutions; Labor & Commerce; Medical Professionals; Medicine; Medicine & Science; Military; Physical Disability; Veterans; Veterans & Military; Vocational Rehabilitation; War; Work; WWI
Topics: Government, Policy & Law