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The Tribe Of Ishmael: A Study In Social Degradation
Do any of these get out of the festering mass? Of this whole number, I know of but one who has escaped, and is to-day an honorable man. I have tried again and again to lift them, but they sink back. They are a decaying stock; they cannot longer live self-dependent. The children reappear with the old basket. The girl begins the life of prostitution, and is soon seen with her own illegitimate child....
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Document Information

Title: The Tribe Of Ishmael: A Study In Social Degradation
Creator: Oscar M'Culloch (author)
Date: 1888
Format: Article
Publication: Proceedings of the National Conference of Charities and Correction
Source: Available at selected libraries
Location: vol.15, pp.154-159
Keywords: Almshouses; Blind; Charity; Children; Crime; Eugenics; Heredity; Ideologies; Indiana; Insanity; Jukes; Kentucky; Medicine & Science; Physical Disability; Policy; Poverty; Prostitution; Psychiatric Disability; Public Health & Welfare; Religion; Sensory Disability; Sexuality; Social Welfare; Social Work
Topics: Government, Policy & Law