Library Collections: Document: Full Text

The University Picture

Creator: n/a
Date: 1962
Publication: Toomey J Gazette
Source: Gazette International Networking Institute
Figures From This Artifact: Figure 2  Figure 3  Figure 4

Page 1:


Most colleges attended by wheelchair students have revealed a deep interest in the problems of the disabled by eliminating as many barriers as possible. Many installed ramps or moved classrooms to tailor their older buildings to rolling students. Most colleges are planning the newer buildings with the dis-abled student in mind. Following are four universities that are especially adapted to accommodate the wheelchair student and one geared to the homebound or hospitalized student:


University of Illinois


A dozen years ago, Timothy J. Nugent started a "temporary" rehabilitation program for 8 disabled men students. In 1961 there were 163 disabled stu-dents; 101 were in wheelchairs. Thanks to his great personal drive, he has inspired the government and several organizations to donate funds so that almost every building on campus is ramped and accessible. The disabled students have access to every curricu-lum on campus and are able to participate fully in all campus activities.


They have their own fraternity -- Delta Sigma Omi-cron -- and publish an excellent annual magazine, "Sigma Signs" (from which we borrowed the photographs on these two pages).


There is a fleet of four buses equipped with hy-draulic lifts which make hourly trips around campus, dropping students off at their academic classes, to go shopping, and the physical therapy classes which are attended by every rehabilitation student in place of physical education.


The University is the focus of many college repre-sentatives. The U.S. Office of Vocational Rehabili-tation is financing their visits to campus to en-courage their participation in similar programs.


Southern Illinois University


Since 1958 this University has been similarly modi-fying its physical facilities and administrative and academic procedures to enable severely disabled per-sons to enroll in college and graduate school and to take part in campus functions. In 1960 there were 63 such students; 32 were in wheelchairs.


Special mention should be made of the Vocational Technical Institute of the University, providing two-year programs leading to associate degrees in such fields as accounting, drafting and retail sales in which many disabled students are enrolled.


University of Missouri


In the fall of 1962 the University will be ready to enroll disabled students. The U.S. Office of Voca-tional Rehabilitation selected it for a five-year research and demonstration project in the education of disabled college students. It will serve Region #6, comprising the seven-state area of Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Nebraska and Kan-sas. Elevators, ramps, etc., will be installed.


University of California Los Angeles


The UCLA program for disabled students was established soon after World War II when many veterans resumed their education. Practically every building has adjacent parking, ramps, elevators, special rest-rooms and telephones. The Office of Special Services offers special vocational and educational rehabili-tation services. The Will Rogers Memorial Scholar-ship is available only to disabled students.


Boston University Home and Tutorial Programs


Individualized programs for high school graduates are maintained for those confined to home or hospi-tal: (1) The Recorded Program is a two-year program of recorded lectures and private instruction by regu-lar members of the faculty culminating in a degree of Associate of Arts (A.A.). Fee: $l,000 a year. (2) The Teacherphone Program is the Executone Method and is offered in three schools of the University.


Fee: $900 for those living within a 10-mile radius. For more information on either program and scholar-ship possibilities, write: Mrs. Alice H. Gamble, 785 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, 15, Mass.