Library Collections: Document: Full Text

Half Plus Half Equals One Team

Creator: n/a
Date: 1962
Publication: Toomey J Gazette
Source: Gazette International Networking Institute
Figures From This Artifact: Figure 1

Page 1:


Readers suggest new approaches to some attendant care problems


The high cost of attendant care is an expense item which plays havoc with family budgets, according to a great many of the TjG census questionnaires. Ideas from our readers on ways and means of cutting down on this expense will be most welcome. Several suggestions for meeting the need for attendant care at a minimum cost follow:




Don Parker, a polio from Portland, Oregon, writes that he and his blind friend, Don Clarke, became a team when they met in a VA hospital (see photo). By combining the use of their eyes, arms and legs they found they could accomplish practically anything. Don Clarke is now married and is studying to become a Rehabilitation Counselor.


Another "team" from Spokane, Washington, polio Darrell Brown and almost totally blind Richard McCollum, actually carry on two businesses by helping one another. Darrell helps Dick, a radio and TV repair-man, by helping him to clean up the shop at the end of the day and by going on house calls to check the visual quality of repaired TV sets.


Dick reciprocates this help by maneuvering large signs into a position that sign painter Darrell can reach. Bach man is proving that with some help and teamwork it is possible to be independent.




The mentally retarded, people whose IQ is 60 and below, cannot compete in the everyday world and are generally not employable in industry, points out John Lambour from Altoona, Pa. However, they are trainable and if their limitations are considered and no more is expected of them than they can produce, they make very dependable attendants.


John has had first hand experience with a mentally retarded attendant who works for him five days a week, night hours, and gets about $10 a week. He suggests that anyone interested in hiring such a person or other semi-unemployables such as retired people call the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation.




Arrangements have just been completed by respo Jerry Sills for hiring Mexican male attendants on a yearly basis for approximately $100 a month. He and George Ray of Mexico have ironed out immigration problems, methods of selection and payment procedure.


George will teach the man bedside care, handling of the wheelchair, taking care of a home, simple cooking and he will select men who are clean of person and personal habits. He will select men who will be glad to do everything asked and who will be willing to be a companion and helper day and night as called upon.


Jerry suggests you write directly to: George E. Ray, Cubilete #147, Col. Chapalita, Quadalajara, Mexico. He would appreciate your sending him copies of all letters so that he may follow the progress of the program: Jerome Sills, 22572 Main St., Hayward, California.