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Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind

Creator: Frank L. Wright, Jr. (author)
Date: 1947
Publisher: National Mental Health Foundation, Inc.
Source: Available at selected libraries
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Join the National Mental Health Foundation


NATIONAL MENTAL HEALTH FOUNDATION 1520 Race Street, Philadelphia 2, Penna.




I want to participate in your program to preserve and improve mental health and achieve the highest possible standards of treatment and care for mentally handicapped persons. I am enclosing $1.00 annual dues for my membership in the National Mental Health Foundation.


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(Checks and money orders should be made payable to "National Mental Health Foundation." All dues and contributions are exempt from federal income tax.)


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Further understanding and information about mental hospitals and those who live and work in them can be gained by reading any of the popularly written books listed below:


A MIND THAT FOUND ITSELF, by Clifford W. Beers. (Double-day-Doran, 1944, 402 pp.) This is the story of three years the author spent in mental hospitals. This book was the spark-plug in founding the National Committee for Mental Hygiene, and the present edition contains also the story of the Committee's forty-year effort to improve conditions in mental hospitals.


PRIVATE WORLDS, by Phyllis Bottome. (Houghton-Mifflin Co, 1934, 342 pp.) An account of three psychiatrists who understand the "private worlds" of other people but are not immune to botching up their own lives, this is an exciting and intriguing book. Inextricably woven into the fabric of the story are accurate insights into the proceedings of a mental hospital.


THE OUTWARD ROOM, by Millen Brand. (Simon & Schuster, 1937, 309 pp.) Opening with an escape from a mental hospital, this book, by following the efforts of a sensitive girl to accept normal living again, creates an understanding of a patient's problems "on the outside."


BRAINSTORM, by Carbon Brown. (Farrar & Rhinehart, 1944, 302 pp.) Somewhat sensational in approach and background, this book nevertheless gives accurate pictures of mental hospital life.


THE DARK GLASS, by Joan Charles. (Harper Bros., 1944, 287 pp.) With genuine understanding of the working of the mind, this interesting novel conveys much of the atmosphere and feeling of a mental hospital.


THE MENTALLY ILL IN AMERICA, by Albert Deutsch. (Columbia University Press, 1946, 530 pp.) Scholarly and authoritative, this history of the care and treatment of mental patients pictures the degrading conditions which have existed since Colonial times.


RELUCTANTLY TOLD, by Jane Hillyer. (Macmillan, 1926, 205 pp.) A sensitive and introspective account of four years in a mental hospital, this autobiography gives a clear, sympathetic understanding of the inner struggles which patients constantly face in their efforts to regain control of their minds.


IF A MAN BE MAD, by Harold Maine. (Doubleday and Co, 1947, 435 pp.) As an alcoholic, Mr. Maine found himself a patient in several mental hospitals, one after another. Then, recovered, he took jobs as an attendant in several more. This thoughtful account of his hospital experiences neither pulls punches nor hits below the belt. It is exciting, rewarding reading.


THEY WALK IN DARKNESS, by Ellen Philtine. (Liveright Publishing Corp., 1943, 388 pp.) This novel, written primarily from the standpoint of hospital staff members, contributes much accurate information about mental hospitals against the background of an involved plot.


ASYLUM, by William B. Seabrook. (Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1935, 263 pp.) Written by a famous traveler and reporter, this autobiography reveals experiences and associations quite as interesting as the author encountered in his travels to faraway lands. It includes many excellent characterizations of patients.


THE SNAKE PIT, by Mary Jane Ward. (Random House, 1946, 278 pp.) This Book-of-the-Month Club selection is a totally accurate, graphically presented picture of life in "one of the better" state mental hospitals. Its sensitive, humorous presentation makes for light reading but leaves a lasting impression. It you can read only one book from this list, read this one.

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