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A Nation Twice Blessed

Creator: n/a
Date: January 30, 1937
Publication: The President's Birthday Magazine
Publisher: National Committee for the Birthday Ball for the President to Fight Infantile Paralysis
Source: Franklin D. Roosevelt Library

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But he knows -- and we should remember, too -- that it does not help to let our sympathy make them feel sorry for themselves. The proverb says: "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine." It is peculiarly suitable for "polio" sufferers. They must be able to see the fun in life, no matter how cruelly incapacitated they have been; they must be able to laugh and sing and joke about their plight. Otherwise there is little hope for them. This is why it seems so right that the evening of January 30 should be given over to music and dancing and pageantry -- to light-hearted merriment in honor of a man who faces life with extraordinary cheerful courage. And that the result should be, for all American children, a greater opportunity for happiness. Millions will dance tonight so that some day thousands may walk!


We sincerely hope that all of you enjoy yourselves.

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