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Looking Ahead

Creator: n/a
Date: December 1932
Publication: The Polio Chronicle
Source: Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation Archives

Page 1:


This year we celebrated the seventh birthday of the founding of this institution. As we look back we see how the Foundation has grown and progressed since the first founder's Day Dinner in 1926. What of the future?


The Founder's Day Dinner of 1939 will undoubtedly take place in the dining room of a new and much better central building. The Foundation already has tentative plans for a new structure to take the place of the old Meriwether Inn, where all the past Founder's Day Dinners have been held. Attending the 1939 dinner, instead of seventy-five patients, we look forward to several times that number. With a greater number of patients at Warm Springs there will come enlarged facilities for treatment and other new developments.


As the Foundation grows, so will the National Patients' Committee and their work. This year's dinner saw $722 in Polio Crusader memberships presented to the Founder. Seven years from now it may be $7,000.


Looking both ways from now, we can be thankful that the Foundation has grown tremendously and yet that its growth has only begun.