Library Collections: Document: Full Text

Miss Helen Keller Ill

Creator: n/a
Date: February 10, 1906
Publication: The New York Times
Source: Available at selected libraries

Page 1:


Has Broken Down Under the Strain of Her Work.


WRENTHAM, Mass., Feb. 9. -- Miss Helen Keller, the deaf, dumb and blind woman, has broken down under the physical and mental strain of her course at Radcliffe College, and the subsequent work which she has been doing to aid those similarly afflicted. Her physician has ordered a long period of complete rest, and in accordance with his directions all work which Miss Keller had in hand and several engagements to appear at public meetings in aid of the blind have been given up. Miss Keller is living at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Macy of this town, Mr. Macy having married her tutor.


Miss Keller's condition was reported as slightly improved this afternoon. Mr. Macy explained that she was suffering from exhaustion. He did not consider her condition dangerous, nor so serious as to occasion any alarm among her friends.