Library Collections: Document: Full Text


From: Out Of The Dark
Creator: Helen Keller (author)
Date: 1920
Publisher: Doubleday, Page & Company, New York
Source: Available at selected libraries

Page 1:


This volume contains all hitherto uncollected magazine articles and addresses which seem for any reason worth preserving in book form. The second article, "How I became a Socialist," was printed in the New York Call. Briefly it sums up my position at the present time. Of the articles on blindness, some were written in behalf of work which has since been successfully started. They are, therefore, somewhat out of date. But I have left them unchanged because they record the conditions of the blind at the time they were written, and by no means all the things advocated have been attempted in all parts of the country. There are still States in which the plea of ten years ago is pertinent to-day.