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President Opens Blind Lighthouse

Creator: n/a
Date: February 23, 1913
Publication: The New York Times
Source: Available at selected libraries

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Gives $500 Toward Paying Off Mortgage on Settlement House Built to Aid the Sightless.




"First Woman to be President," She Tells Mr. Choate, When She Takes Mr. Taft's Place.


"I am the first woman to be President of the United States," said Miss Helen Keller, the wonderful girl who, though blind and deaf, can now speak aloud to an audience.


She made this statement at the opening yesterday afternoon of the new "Lighthouse" for the blind at 111 East Fifty-ninth Street, which, through the efforts of Miss Winifred Holt, has been established to help the sightless. President Taft, one of the guests who was expected, had not arrived, and Joseph H. Choate, who presided, put Miss Keller in a big oak chair which was made for the President.


"The President will be an hour and a half late," said Mr. Choate, "and Miss Keller will occupy his chair."


Then the news came that the President was at the door, and Miss Keller was about to return to her own seat when the report that the President had arrived was denied.


"This is a curious sort of President," said Mr. Choate. "Now he is here and now he isn't."


"And I shall not abdicate again," said Miss Keller so quickly that no one who did not know would have imagined that she had not heard the words herself instead of through the fingers of Mrs. Macy, her teacher and friend. But the President had arrived, and amid the cheers of the blind and those who could see he stepped upon the platform. There was more applause at the close of his remarks and after his departure when it was announced that he had presented $500 toward paying off the Lighthouse mortgage.


The exercises yesterday were held on the main floor of the settlement house. This room is surrounded by a gallery, and every available inch of space was taken up by the blind and their guests. Among the sightless persons present were members of the girls' "camp fire" club and the blind Boy Scouts. On the platform with the President and Mr. Choate, Miss Holt, Mrs. Macy and Miss Keller were Bishop David H. Greer, Mgr. M.J. Lavelle, Rabbi H.G. Enelow, Dr. William H. Maxwell, City Superintendent of Schools, Dr. John S. Finley, President of the Association for the Blind and of the City college, and Ellen P. Morford, President of the American Workers for the Blind, and William I. Scanlan, President of the Blind Men's Improvement Club.


Mr. Choate wielded a gavel made for the occasion by a blind workman. It was presented to him by Miss Nellie Brown, the Light House staff stenographer. The Chairman looked at its admiringly.


"I could govern a room full of London suffragettes with this," he said.


In introducing President Taft, who was next to the last speaker, Mr. Choate said: "Here is one who is as good as he is great -- President Taft."


As the President left his chair, every one in the audience arose and applauded heartily. He said:


"I have often wondered, when I have read the Declaration of Independence of Jefferson, signed by all those people we like to think we are descended from, what the blind must think about the statement that all men are born free and equal. Behind those eyes that do not see there must be a good deal of question. We are not equal in opportunity or environment. What is meant is that it is the aspiration of a popular Government to bring about as near equality of opportunity as possible.


"That is why we are here. We who have sight feel that those who have not have not had quite a square deal. We want to help them, and we find that the best way is to help them to help themselves. By a little aid they can apply the faculties they have and make good those they have not. We want to help four faculties do the work of five. I have sometimes felt the deprivation of sight might not be such a bad thing when it keeps us from seeing the things we should not see. It certainly gives concentration.


"My friend Mr. Choate and I have been figureheads in this work for the last three years. I can't help as much as he can, with his mellifluous voice and honeyed word, and -- to give a Roland for his Oliver -- he grows more eloquent and sweeter in his old age: he is growing younger every day to make the world happier."


A hush pervaded the hall when Miss Keller arose to speak. She said she was glad to be among such good friends of the blind, and thanked those who were working for her blind brothers, including the President who, though bearing the weight of public affairs, could find time to help lift their burden.


"My friends, I have such confidence your kindness of heart," she said. "I ask you to help us still more. I am shameless in my begging. I beg you to constitute yourselves keepers of the light not only for the blind of this city but for the blind of New York State and of the United States. The moment you write your name upon a check you kindle a light that will shine far and wide. Establish a lighthouse in every city and hasten the day when there shall be no blind child untaught, no blind man or woman unaided."

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