Library Collections: Visual Still: Enlargement

Page 6: Photograph of Clarence Heyman, M.D., a doctor at Elyria Memorial Hospital. Page 7: Description of medical expertise Dr. Heyman provided for Elyria Memorial Hospital.

Visual Still Information

Title: Medical Care
From: Care Of The Crippled Child
Original caption: Clarence Heyman, M.D.
Medical Care
Early in the program, Edgar Allen realized that successful treatment of crippled children would not only depend on desire or need, but on the best that could be secured by way of Medical Leadership. . .
The appointment of Clarence Heyman, M.D., of Cleveland, to supervise and provide that skilled leadership was a great achievment on the road to success. . .
Dr. Heyman's service to Crippled Children in Elyria lasted over 30 years. . .
This doctor was ably assisted by many other doctors, whose recognition must remain anonymous, but the fact that Elyria Memorial Hospital has been approved by national medical accrediting groups for residency education in orthopedic surgery reveals the standards of excellence achieved. . .
Creator: n/a
Date: 1973
Publisher: Elyria Rotary Club
Source: Elyria Rotary Archives