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An Illustrated Catalogue And Guide Book To Barnum's American Museum

Creator: Phineas T. Barnum (author)
Date: Circa 1860
Publisher: Wynkoop, Hallenbeck & Thomas, New York
Source: Robert Bogdan Collection
Figures From This Artifact: Figure 1

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Page 3:


These Bears are on exhibition at the time of the publication of this Catalogue, and will remain so for several weeks, being the most unique and attractive exhibition of Wild Animals ever offered to the American public.


-The following is from the back page of the booklet.-

Barnum's American Museum.

The only place of amusement in America honored with a VISIT FROM THE PRINCE OF WALES who, with the DUKE OF NEWCASTLE, EARL ST. GERMAINS, and others of his suite, expressed himself delighted with the Curiosities he examined.


THE WONDER OF AMERICA, and unquestionably, from its position, character and popularity, as well as from its attractions of the most amusing, instructive and moral character, the special place of FAMILY AMUSEMENT IN THE UNITED STATES. Perhaps there never was before in the world such an instance of extraordinary success as this museum presents. Mr. Barnum devotes his constant energies and attends personally to the minutest details of the Museum, his chief design being not only to give his patrons novelties and amusements worth five times the price of admission, but also to PLEASE THEM in every respect. He has established agencies in nearly every portion of the globe, through which, with an almost reckless disregard of expenditure, he is constantly procuring every novelty which his large experience suggests will be interesting to his visitors. Hence it is acknowledged by all extensive travelers and intelligent observers that in the whole world there is not an institution which provides a tithe of the healthy amusement blended with valuable instruction for old and young which may be found here. The extraordinary LIVING CURIOSITIES which are constantly appearing here, in a variety truly astonishing, are confessedly a valuable exhibition of themselves. The GRAND AQUARIA (first introduced into this country by Mr. Barnum), the original and only real Ocean and River Garden in America, with its Crystal Ponds of salt and fresh water containing myriads of rare, beautiful and curious fish from far-distant as well as local seas and rivers, forms a study most refined and delightful, and worth going many miles to enjoy. The "HAPPY FAMILY," Comprising hundreds of living beasts and birds of opposite natures, trained to live together in the most perfect harmony, must be seen to be realised. The Seven Grand saloons, which are OPEN DAY AND EVENING, embody 850,000 Curiosities, and comprise Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Insects, Minerals, Coins, Picture and Portrait Gallery, gorgeous Cosmoramic Views of the most interesting scenes in the world, Wax Figures, Relics of the Revolution, Rare Articles from Pompeii, Herculaneum, Nineveh, Egypt, &c. Also, Hindoo, Hottentot, Esquimaux and Arctic Sea Curiosities, &c. The ELEGANT SALOON PERFORMANCES take place in the prettiest and most comfortable "Lecture Room" in the world, EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING, (Sundays excepted ) and comprise every thing that is attractive, amusing, touching, effective and agreeable to the most fastidious tastes.


In a speech recently delivered before the patrons of the Museum, at the opening of the Fall and Winter Season, Mr. Barnum says: "I am by no means unaware of the great influence for good which this establishment is capable of exerting upon the public mind. I feel the responsibility of my position, and I therefore gladly renew my pledge to families and the better portion of the community to keep the Museum always free from every objectionable feature, to permit no intoxicating drinks within its halls, no vulgar or profane allusions on the stage, no improper visitors of either sex, and to use the same precaution to protect any visitors while in the Museum that I would my own family, so that any lady or child shall be safe here as in their own house."


SUNDAY SCHOOLS will always be admitted on the most favorable terms. Application can be made either in person or by letter to either the manager or his Assistant.


ADMSION TO THE ENTIRE MUSEUM, including all the Curiosities, as well as the Grand Saloon Performances, 25 Cents. Children under 10 years, 15 Cents. Seats in Parquet and Balcony, 15 Cents extra

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