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Thomas Gallaudet To Mason Cogswell, January 17, 1816
I expect to sail from these parts in the Mary Augusta with Captain Hall, for New York, in company with...a Mr. Clerc whom perhaps you may have heard of or seen his name mentioned in some of the papers. He is a Frenchman born near Lyons, and ever since one...
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Document Information

Title: Thomas Gallaudet To Mason Cogswell, January 17, 1816
From: Letters To Mason Cogswell
Creator: Thomas Gallaudet (author)
Date: January 17, 1816
Format: Correspondence
Publication: Father and Daughter: A Collection of Cogswell Family Letters and Diaries (1772-1830)
Publisher: American School for the Deaf
Source: Yale Medical Library
Control no.: Biog. C659R
Keywords: Abbe Sicard; Advocacy; Alice Cogswell; American School For The Deaf; Communication; Connecticut; Contracts; Correspondence; Deaf; Economics; Education; Educational Institutions; Employment; France; Institutions; Labor; Laurent Clerc; Mason Cogswell; Medicine & Science; Mute; Philanthropy; Schools; Sensory Disability; Sign Language; Social Welfare & Communities; Thomas Gallaudet; Travel
Topics: Institutions, Organizations & Corporations; Social Movements & Advocacy

Objects From This Artifact:
- Dr. Backus To Mason Cogswell, August 29, 1794 (doc)
- Laurent Clerc To Mason Cogswell, January 14, 1817 (doc)
- Letters Between Alice Cogswell And Mason Cogswell, October 11, 1815 (doc)
- Samuel Akerly To Mason Cogswell And Response, August 21, 1821 (doc)
- Thomas Gallaudet To Mason Cogswell, August 9, 1816 (doc)
- Thomas Gallaudet To Mason Cogswell, January 17, 1816 (doc)
- United States To Mason Cogswell, September 19, 1829 (doc)